British Christian J. John has produced a course based around a restated ten commandments, just10.
Here they are:

Commandment 10: Find contentment
Commandment 9: Hold to the truth
Commandment 8: Prosper with a clear conscience
Commandment 7: Affair-proof your relationships
Commandment 6: Manage your anger
Commandment 5: Keep the peace with your parents
Commandment 4: Catch your breath
Commandment 3: Take God seriously
Commandment 2: Know God
Commandment 1: Live by priorities

I think as summaries these reflect elements of the theme of each commandment, while leaving substantial areas out, and in some cases, such as 6 or 4, missing the main point.
Nothing on the website overtly refers to the redemptive work of Jesus Christ as being the basis for living the Christian life, or how this course reflects the fact that the commandments (the law) are meant to convict people of their need of a Saviour and then, when saved, direct how their life as one of God’s people is meant to be lived.
Which is not to suggest in any way it doesn’t (because I don’t know), I just can’t see any suggestion of it in the publicity materials.

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