J.D. Greear posts about leading by influence, not by command.
In it he makes helpful distinctions about the problems of non-delegation, or one person leading with a team of helpers, or micromanagers.
Moving to what he terms catalytic leadership, he provides this definition:

This person gives away opportunity, but still retains responsibility. This can be dangerous. Empowering people to pursue opportunities sometimes means that you have to take the heat when things blows up. And the Catalytic Leader never gets things done as quickly as the Micromanager or the Genius With 1,000 Helpers. But “getting things done quickly” is not our target.
Catalytic Leaders understand the “80% Quality Rule” – if someone can do it 80% as well as I can, then I let them do it. 80% is just an estimate, but it illustrates the principle: there is value in empowering someone else, even if I can do the job better. These sorts of leaders know that this is a tradeoff, but it is a tradeoff they are willing to make because it creates a leadership culture.

There is a constant struggle between the expedience of doing it yourself, and the need to develop others and give them the opportunity to attain greater proficiency. And to be genuinely satisfied with the outcomes during that process.

This is not the same thing as simply avoiding leadership and allowing others to fill the vacuum created by absence.
To create a climate of catalytic leadership Greear provides some guidelines.

1. Ruthlessly foster a servant attitude in your heart.
2. Give away praise as fast as possible.
3. Perfect the art of salesmanship.
4. Bring others into the discussions . . . early.
5. Be patient.

Read the whole post here.

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