Where Thou Leadest Me from the Getty Music collective. It has the look of an old hymn with an added refrain, but a cursory look around the internet is not backing that assumption up. Nice lyrics, helpful refrain, singable tune. The lyrics: Where Thou leadest me I dare not find complaint For Thou hast never …

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A Sunday Song on Sunday. Maybe I’m feeling a little more like myself. Maybe. In any case, here’s Take Shelter, from Getty Music, this time welcoming Skye Peterson as a co-writer with Kristen Getty and Ben Shive. I think Skye features on the vocals as well. Someday people may introduce Andrew Peterson as Skye Peterson’s …

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Pass The Promise from Getty Music sounded so familiar I thought I’d posted it before. Maybe I thought it wasn’t congregational enough. It’s either call and response or close couplets in the verses – either could work and a congregation like ours would probably do the couplet thing. It’s a similar vocal approach to leading …

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