The words ‘sermon’ and ‘preaching’ fall out of use in some churches for a variety of reasons, both social and theological.
None of the replacement words or phrases really embrace the fulness of God imparting his grace to his people that is the act of a sermon being preached.
Whatever it’s called, as long as that is what is understood is happening.

Adam Ch’ng, at Gospel Coalition Australia, writes that –
Preaching is more than “sharing the Word”
Preaching is more than “explaining the Bible”
Preaching is more than “giving a Bible talk”

And concludes by writing

How then should we introduce the sermon?
We might unashamedly describe the sermon as “gospel proclamation” and call our churches to repent and believe. We might pray for our church to be not just informed but transformed by the Word. We might even ask our churches to “prepare to hear God speak”.
Whatever we might say, we must not diminish the supernatural significance of the preached word. Instead, we must lift our churches’ expectations of this sacred event. We need to aim higher.
For when we preach the Word with faithfulness, clarity and conviction, we are declaring Jesus’ victory over sin and death. We are transforming hearts, saving sinners and sanctifying the church. And we are acting as the mouthpiece of God who in that very moment is speaking light into the darkness.

Read the whole article at Gospel Coalition Australia.

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