Amazingly, or not, the Frame/Horton post has been the most viewed anything here for some time. In that spirit, here’s another area of controversy: How To Worship.
It’s probably best not to watch this while drinking anything.
I can confess to having tried most of this at different times in the past, kidney stones notwithstanding.
You can visit the website of the church that produced the video here. They seem to be able to laugh at themselves and then ask us to join in. As far as I can tell it was not made with a divisive and critical mind-set.
HT:David Ould

2 thoughts on “How To Worship – A Helpful Instructional Video

  1. Paul Frost says:

    Very good – Perhaps we can use this as part of the official training material for the Worship IDEA Group?

    1. gjware says:

      Advanced module.

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